latest draft web site ready for review

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Tue Sep 29 07:21:29 BST 2009

Ben Finney wrote:
> Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at> writes:
>> Emma has updated colours, footer links and a few others things. See
> Some of the text styles are sized in “em” now, but there appear to be
> duelling style sheets. ‘960/css/text.css’ lists sizes exclusively in
> “px”, while ‘css/html-elements.css’ gives text sizes mostly in “em”.

Thanks to everyone for their feedback. I'm sure Emma will take all of it
into consideration. A reminder as well: the website is stored in a
Bazaar branch on LP (lp:bzr-website). Please feel free to:

1. make the suggested changes yourself
2. test it on your platform & browser
3. push your changes to LP
4. submit a merge proposal.

It just isn't practical for either Emma or I to make every change
suggested and make things look perfect on every browser on every OS. We
do really appreciate the feedback but the odds are getting things
improved increase exponentially if you submit a merge proposal. :-)

Ian C.

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