keyword expansion and post_commit hook in 2.0 (was Re: DRAFT 2.0.0 ANNOUNCEMENT)

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Mon Sep 28 10:49:47 BST 2009

Martin Pool writes:

 > OK, so this is to say that people who have they keywoard plugin
 > installed and turned on will now see the keywords expanded after they
 > commit.  Is that the case you're thinking of?

Not necessarily.  It might be the guy at the next desk who has the
plugin installed and thinks it's all very cool, while I'm more
conservative and prefer to get my version information from bzr log

 > Will anyone see this as an unwelcome change rather than a bug fix?

I doubt anybody will get upset about it as such.  I don't think anyone
in the target audience for the 2.0 series will see it as a bug fix,
though, and I do know people on Python-Dev who would consider it an

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