Updated Plugins Guide - questions and RFT

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Mon Sep 28 02:19:23 BST 2009

Russel Winder wrote:
> Ian,
> On Thu, 2009-09-24 at 01:11 +1000, Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> [ . . . ]
>> I've almost doubled the number of plugins included (26 -> 51) and there
>> are still plenty more I could add. Are they any plugins included that
>> are now obsolete and ought to be removed? Or should I add an
>> "Experimental" category and add some plugins into there instead of
>> removing them altogether?
> [ . . . ]
> Is the intention to keep both pages continuously updated?

I'm looking into how best to keep them consistent. Initially, I'll
probably treat http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrPlugins as the master data
source and include stuff in the Guide from links/attributes given there.
 I have some code nearly complete that parses that page and pulls out
the interesting bits.

Before long, I need to make the Plugins Guide part of a formal project
 instead of a +junk branch of mine. When that happens, the project could
have a data file which is the master source and both the Guide and Wiki
page could be generated off it. (Or just generate an expanded Guide off
it and redirect the Wiki page to it.)

FWIW, my current thinking is:

1. Call the project "bzr-extras" so it can expand to include doc
   on other extras, not just plugins.

2. Have a file called plugins.cfg which looks something like ...

[plugin foo]
purpose = "Do cool stuff"
category = productivity
platform.linux = True
platform.windows = True
platform.mac = True
branch = lp:bzr-foo
home = ...
owners = ...

Does that sound more maintainable/scalable than editing the current Wiki

Ian C.

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