bzr-rewrite 0.5.4

John Arbash Meinel john at
Sat Sep 26 19:05:44 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Jelmer Vernooij wrote:


>> Given that we are bundling rewrite with the Windows 2.0.0 installer,
>> does that mean we need to rebuild the package? (-3...)
> I've updated the windows installer branch already. If you already had a
> manual patch to add support for 1.18 there isn't really a need to
> rebuild the installer. Otherwise, I would've expected bzr-rewrite to
> give lots of compatibility warnings already ?
> Cheers,
> Jelmer

C:\Program Files\Bazaar>bzr --version
Bazaar (bzr) 2.0.0
  Python interpreter: C:\Program Files\Bazaar\python25.dll 2.5.4
  Python standard library: C:\Program Files\Bazaar\lib\
  Platform: Windows-Vista-6.0.6002-SP2
  bzrlib: C:\Program Files\Bazaar\lib\\bzrlib
  Bazaar configuration: C:\Users\jameinel\AppData\Roaming\bazaar\2.0
  Bazaar log file: C:\Users\jameinel\Documents\.bzr.log

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C:\Program Files\Bazaar>bzr plugins
bzrtools 2.0.0
    Various useful commands for working with bzr.

explorer 0.8.2
    Desktop interface to the Bazaar VCS.

launchpad 2.0.0 integration plugin for Bazaar.

netrc_credential_store 2.0.0
    Use ~/.netrc as a credential store for authentication.conf.

qbzr 0.14.2
    QBzr - Qt-based frontend for Bazaar

rebase 0.5.3
    Rebase support.

svn 1.0.0
    Support for Subversion branches

upload 1.0.0dev
    Upload a working tree, incrementally.

xmloutput 0.8.5
    This plugin provides xml output for status, log, annotate, missing,

C:\Users\jameinel\dev\,tmp\a>bzr rebase
Rebasing on None
No revisions to rebase.

Well, the plugin claims to be 0.5.3, and the buildout.cfg claims to be
at 0.5.3 as well. It is possible that I had a local commit in there, but
I doubt it. I'm pretty sure I nuked my build directory a few times.

So I don't know *why* bzr rebase 0.5.3 is happy with bzr-2.0.0 but it
seems to be just fine. Maybe the version checking code isn't actually

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