[rfc] developer documentation on user interaction

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Sep 25 16:03:40 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>>>>>> "bialix" == Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:
>     bialix> Clearly bzr and bzrlib is supposed to use as
>     bialix> one-threaded command-line application (IIRC I've read
>     bialix> this in some docs or on wiki). So next time you will
>     bialix> blame us think for a while about our reasons.
> The point is not to blame anyone, the point is to find better
> ways.
> Clearly qbzr uses bzr/bzrlib in ways that were not expected and
> may not be the best ways to use them.
> Adding command line options because some GUI tool need them
> doesn't seem like the best way to make a nice and clean CLI.
> Instead of throwing stones to each other which can only be
> painful for all parties involved, let's try to find new and
> better ways to address these problems.
> How about a qbzr script to replace the bzr script ? What will be
> the costs here ? How resistant can it be made against plugins
> redefining commands or decorating them ?

They actually already have most of this. They have a 'qbzrsubprocess'
command that is registered via the plugin. And I believe that most
commands they run are not:

  bzr commit --foo

  bzr qbzrsubprocess commit --foo

And part of that is so they can do things like pass the command-line
arguments in as a bencoded string in a file. This is required because
they want very explicit control over what files are getting committed.
And if you need to commit 10,000 filenames, that no longer fits on a
command line. (32kchar limit, or somesuch.)


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