[rfc] developer documentation on user interaction

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Sep 25 09:40:13 BST 2009

>>>>> "bialix" == Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:

    bialix> Clearly bzr and bzrlib is supposed to use as
    bialix> one-threaded command-line application (IIRC I've read
    bialix> this in some docs or on wiki). So next time you will
    bialix> blame us think for a while about our reasons.

The point is not to blame anyone, the point is to find better

Clearly qbzr uses bzr/bzrlib in ways that were not expected and
may not be the best ways to use them.

Adding command line options because some GUI tool need them
doesn't seem like the best way to make a nice and clean CLI.

Instead of throwing stones to each other which can only be
painful for all parties involved, let's try to find new and
better ways to address these problems.

How about a qbzr script to replace the bzr script ? What will be
the costs here ? How resistant can it be made against plugins
redefining commands or decorating them ?

There was a conflict between qbzr and bzr-pipeline recently,
isn't it ? Why should a GUI conflict with such a plugin ?

That's the kind of question I'd like better answers for. And
that's the kind of problems that make me believe that some qbzr
assumptions need to be revisited.

There is a huge difference between blaming and asking questions,
ok ?


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