New plugin to support sending bzr emails using on MacOS X

Brian de Alwis bsd at
Wed Sep 23 18:56:14 BST 2009

I've put together a tiny plugin to support sending bzr emails using on MacOS X.  The plugin is available from:

To use the plugin, set your mail_client configuration option to  
"".  The plugin has been tested on Leopard and Snow Leopard.

I'm happy for the code to be incorporated into Bazaar, if there's  
demand.  (But I apologize for not getting this together before 2.0  
went out though.)

The plugin is implemented by creating and invoking an AppleScript  
script using osascript(1).  I'd like to have used appscript, but  
decided against it since it's not bundled with the default install.

The code for setting the message body content is somewhat less than  
optimal.  But I can't figure out how to retrieve the current contents  
of a message body; attempting to retrieve 'content' would just alias  
'content' (e.g., 'set newContents to content'; look for the FIXMEs in


"Amusement to an observing mind is study." - Benjamin Disraeli

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