Bazaar Explorer

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Wed Sep 23 00:44:10 BST 2009

Russel Winder wrote:

> Cool.  I had never tried opening a shared repository.

Then you've been missing a fair amount of functionality. The repository
view is the 2nd most important view in explorer (after the working tree

> What is the algorithm for deciding which branch to mark with a two
> terminals icon and which to mark as a folder?

Bound branch vs normal branch.

> However, doing a missing check doesn't require two branches in a shared
> repository, just two branches.  This would imply there is some
> functionality missing

The repository view will show you what's new/missing vs the parent
branch. That's a reasonable default IMO. If you want to compare vs an
arbitrary branch, maybe we need an explicit (qbzr) dialog for that.

Ian C.

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