bzr 2.0.0 final code frozen!

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Sep 22 17:10:35 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Martin Pool wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just packaged and uploaded bzr 2.0.0's golden tarball to
> <>.   You can read the full
> release notes in
> <>.
> There are no significant code changes since 2.0rc2.

There are 2 minor changes, for those who care. Namely:
1) Officially change the version number policy from being 2.0 => 2.0.0
2) Update to declare a dependency when people make partial
   builds of the installer.

> This is not yet the announcement, but rather a pre-announcement to let
> packagers and plugin maintainers know to start building and uploading.
>  (We really appreciate your work! - the point of this is to make it
> more readily available.)

Great to hear. However, the last official revision on the 2.0.0 branch is:

4667 Patch Queue Manager 2009-09-15 [merge]
     (jam) Change the official version numbers from 2.0 to 2.0.0

Which indicates it is missing at least the revision which changes
(2,0,0,'candidate',2) => (2,0,0,'final',0)

(which also hints that you probably cut the tarball from a local branch,
rather than waiting for pqm to approve it all?)

> I believe that with the (impending) release of bzr-svn 1.0rc2 all
> plugins are now up to date?
> <>

Once the 2.0.0 branch is finished, bzr-svn is the only specific thing
that is blocking me from building the final 2.0.0-1 windows installers.

> If you become aware of anything that needs to be done before the
> release announcement, or anything that should stall the release,
> please reply to this mail.
> Non-critical bugs can and will be fixed in bzr 2.1b1, which comes out
> in less than a fortnight, and in 2.0.1, for which we have no target
> date yet.)  But if in doubt, ask.
> I'd like to get the new home page up before the announcement date and
> will work with Emma Jane on that.
> pre-congratulations on the pre-release....

I have to say, having these pre-releases does take a bit of 'oomph' out
of the announcements. Maybe that's just me.


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