bzr-svn still broken in 2.0rc2

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Sep 21 20:00:54 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1


>> Jelmer, is it possible to have regular announces with comments about compatibility between all 3
>> products: bzr, bzr-svn, subvertpy?
> bzr-svn should work with all non-ancient versions of subvertpy. For 
> bzr-svn / bzr compatibility see the bzr-svn wiki page (
> I've done announcements for most major bzr-svn releases. In some cases there's
> just a minor API change that we have to cope with and in those situations it 
> doesn't really seem worthwhile to do a full release announcement. Is there 
> any benefit to you in this over subscribing to the wiki page?
> Cheers,
> Jelmer

Well, as the primary windows packager, I rarely know what version of
bzr-svn to use. And I'm subscribed to the whole bzr wiki.

And given that we *do* need to package a new bzr-svn if there is a
"minor API change that we have to cope with", it would be good to know

One possibility is if you just want to track the
'bzr-windows-installers' project, and when you release a new bzr-svn,
just update the appropriate field in 'tools/win32/buildout.cfg'

I don't want it to be a burden to you, but as it stands, you also don't
update the Launchpad bzr-svn page, so I can't even just go there and see
what the latest version is. Is there a better page that you do keep up
to date? Perhaps something on the debian pages?

(You've also had some issues creating tags in trunk, so 'bzr up; bzr
tags' doesn't seem reliable either.)

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