Is Bazaar's document distributed under GPL?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Mon Sep 21 09:18:06 BST 2009

Martin Pool writes:

 > Yes, but translators do in fact report it being a problem -- at least
 > a problem of perception, maybe more.  So I'm interested to know why.

The only potentially strong reasons I know of for using the GFDL
instead of GPL are

(1) your upstream uses it (this is of course a killer reason ;-),

(2) you take the FSF recommendation to use the GFDL seriously, and

(3) the idea that somebody somewhere might distribute derived binary
    content in effectively DRMed form fills you with dread (AFAICS
    DRM-ing the source of GPL content is in fact a violation of a
    copyleft license anyway, since it must be "in the preferred form
    for making modifications", but of course that would be expensive
    to test in court).

Translators tend to be relatively emotional types (ie, compared to
coders), and as represented on debian-i18n and the Mailman lists they
do seem to care about both (2) and (3) more than coders do.  (Note
that coders have long since been forced to accept effective DRM of
binary forms, since use of GPLed material in embedded systems where it
is impractical to revise the software being run is acceptable.)

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