bzr-svn still broken in 2.0rc2
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at
Sat Sep 19 07:53:44 BST 2009
Russel Winder пишет:
> Óscar,
> On Sat, 2009-09-19 at 01:59 +0200, Óscar Fuentes wrote:
> [ . . . ]
>> 1. the bzr-svn package on bzr's ppa is restricted to bzr<1.18, so when
>> people upgrade to bzr 1.18 bzr-svn is removed. AFAIK, Synaptic does not
>> show the option of downgrading to bzr 1.17.
> Jelmer doesn't deal with PPA issues, he just releases bzr-svn into
> Debian. No-one else picks up bzr-svn releases to put into the Bazaar
> PPA as a matter of routine. It means bzr-svn in the Bazaar PPAs is
> systemically never up to date.
> I moan about this on a fairly regularly basis.
And nothing changed so far.
>> 3. on Windows the situation is that the installer comes with everything
>> on a single package, but containing an outdated bzr-svn (0.6.5). Jelmer
>> is on 1.0.1 and before that the last on the 0.6 series was 0.6.9. And
>> it comes with the buggy subvertpy too.
>> Please let me know if you need more info.
To update windows installer there is should be clear information about required version numbers.
> Personally I think bzr-svn is far too important to the future of Bazaar
> not to be treated as core to Bazaar. It is fine that it is a plugin,
> but it should have similar status to bzrtools in the development cycle
> of Bazaar. No matter what the cycle of development and release of bzr,
> bzrtools and bzr-svn, there is always a consistent release in Debian,
> Ubuntu, MacPorts, Fink, and any other packaging repository, and
> especially the Bazaar release PPA. I guess Windows and Mac OS X
> installers fall in the same category.
> bzr-svn is the single biggest USP that bzr has over Git and Mercurial,
> it's priority needs to be raised to harness this potential.
I think this is Jelmer responsibility to send regularly release announces to bazaar-announce at
least about availability of new versions of both bzr-svn and subvertpy. Because those who build
windows installer generalle don't follow bzr-svn development close enough to know everything.
Jelmer, is it possible to have regular announces with comments about compatibility between all 3
products: bzr, bzr-svn, subvertpy?
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