test isolation: default ignores & repository acquisition
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Thu Sep 17 09:31:01 BST 2009
>>>>> "robert" == Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> writes:
robert> We've got two significant things with test isolation that cause some
robert> overhead/work in the test suite.
robert> Firstly is the defaut ignores.
robert> Tests that test the management of default ignores
robert> would reset that hook and use an overridden homedir.
robert> Any thoughts on this?
But there were also a discussion about a way for bzr-git/bzr-hg
to override the whole ignore handling, it may be worth checking
if you can kill two birds with the same stone.
robert> I propose the following test classes:
robert> TestCase:
robert> - isolates environment variables
robert> - has facilities for transports and servers, defaulting to
robert> all memory and no local disk
robert> - hooks and isolates the default ignores
Go ahead, tell us clearly that you would implement a pseudo file
system in memory ! :D
I'm fine with having more focused test base classes, I think we
need to create *more* test classes in the tests themselves
anyway, one class by test being the extreme, we are actually
closer to using a single class by test file, which is bad.
Using more, better focused, test classes helps writing good setUp
methods which in turn give simpler test methods.
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