strange win32 installation problem with bzr-1.18.1-1

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Wed Sep 16 10:17:06 BST 2009

File a bug, please.

Maritza Mendez пишет:
> WinXP SP3
> As a Normal user,
> * install bzr-1.18.1-1 via the standalone installer via Run 
> As...Adminitstrator with admin password
> * install bzr-explorer via the standalone installer via Run 
> As...Adminitstrator with admin password
> 'bzr explore' gives
> 0.078  bzr arguments: [u'explorer']
> 0.078  looking for plugins in C:/Documents and 
> Settings/Maritza/Application Data/bazaar/2.0/plugins
> 0.078  looking for plugins in C:/Program Files/Bazaar/plugins
> 0.156  encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp437'
> 0.297  Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 835, in exception_to_return_code
>   File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 1030, in run_bzr
>   File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 647, in run_argv_aliases
>   File "C:/Program Files/Bazaar/plugins\explorer\", line 127, 
> in run
>   File "C:/Program Files/Bazaar/plugins\explorer\lib\", line 
> 151, in __init__
>   File "C:/Program 
> Files/Bazaar/plugins\explorer\lib\", line 107, in 
> load_profile
>   File "C:/Program 
> Files/Bazaar/plugins\explorer\lib\", line 53, in __init__
> WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 
> u'C:/Documents and Settings/Maritza/Application Data/bazaar/2.0/explorer'
> Sure enough -- the 'bazaar' directory in 'Application Data' does not 
> exist.  Obviously other plugins fail too.
> If I log out and log back in as the same user then the directory is 
> automatically created for me and everything works.
> This may seem like a very strange situation (Normal user knowing the 
> Local Administrator password) for developers who usually have Local 
> Admin privs, but some of us deliberately run in a lower-privilege 
> account either because we are paranoid or because we want to live the 
> customer experience every day. 
> I discovered this while trying to create some getting started 
> instructions for new users on a completely clean install of winXP.  I 
> have not had time to reproduce this.  If it is a known issue, please 
> tell me.  If it is not a known issue, I will file a bug.  I believe the 
> best resolution is to simply tell people that they must actually be 
> logged as Administrator to install (and not just run the installer as 
> Administrator).
> My work time is very limited this week and I may be invisible for a few 
> days.  I'll see replies when I get back.
> Thanks
> ~M

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