[rfc] how to route packaging-specific bugs?

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Wed Sep 16 10:02:10 BST 2009

On Wed Sep 16 00:10:27 +0100 2009 Martin Pool wrote:
> We get a few bugs like <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/407074> that
> are specific to bzr platform packaging.  The platform or package
> maintainers are probably best placed to investigate them, triage or
> fix them.  However I'm concerned that the overall number of bugs is so
> high that people might not be able to find them.
> Would any package maintainers comment on how they would like us to handle this?

For Debian/Ubuntu please just add a Debian/Ubuntu task to the bug. That gives
us a list and subscriptions, which should be enough.



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