RFC: Home page design

Denys Duchier denys.duchier at univ-orleans.fr
Mon Sep 14 19:11:59 BST 2009

Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at canonical.com> writes:

> Most of the links in the middle are still missing but this is looking
> pretty nice IMO. See lp:~ian-clatworthy/+junk/dancingmonkeys for the
> source and http://people.canonical.com/~ianc/dancingmonkeys/ for the
> "live" result.

it's really nice to see it live... except the text is too small for

A web site has no business modifying the font size of the main text.  It
should come out exactly the way the USER finds most comfortable and has
set up as a default in their browser.

Sorry for chiming in with a negative comment, but web sites where I have
to hit Control-+ several times just to be able to read the main text
tick me off.


PS: also, why is this not using the full width of my window?

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