Which version of bzr-svn for Windows 2.0rc2 installer?

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at samba.org
Mon Sep 14 12:12:43 BST 2009

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 11:12:19PM -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> > Hi Jelmer,

> > Are you still planning to rollout bzr-svn 1.0 to coincide with bzr
> > 2.0.0? If so, which version should we bundle in the Windows installer?

> > It looks like 0.6.5 is the latest official release, though perhaps the
> > trunk is more appropriate for 2.0rc2 if 1.0 is going out with 2.0.0?
Yeah, I'm still planning to release 1.0 in time - it'll be cut from
the 1.0 branch (lp:bzr-svn). 

> bzr-svn uses one of the strict version checks. So I think you need to
> use "1.0-win32-rc1" or whatever equivalent tag you want to make on the
> 1.0 branch.

> At least, I would assume that 0.6.5 is going to say "2.0 is not a
> supported version, sorry", every time you want to try to do a bzr-svn
> action.

It shouldn't do this unless there was a change in the API. bzr-svn
checks the API version, not the bzrlib version.



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