Per branch ignore exclusions

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Sep 11 01:36:42 BST 2009

2009/9/11 John Whitley <whitley at>:
> John Arbash Meinel <john <at>> writes:
>> Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>> > John Arbash Meinel writes:
>> >
>> >  > find . -name '*.a' -o -name '*.o' | xargs bzr add
>> >  >
>> >  > bzr add *.a */*.a */*/*.a *.o */*.o */*/*.o
>> >  >
>> >  > I realize these aren't exactly what you are looking for, but they
>> >  > generally work pretty well.
>> >
>> > I agree, it's not friendly.  OTOH, you only need one *nix geek to do
>> > this incantation once, and then it's in the repo for everybody else.
> Perhaps for this specific case, this is fine.  But there are cases where this
> sort of usage doesn't really cut it and ignore exclusions rock.  Specifically,
> cases where one wants to version part of a "live" directory, such as rcfiles in
> one's homedir, a subset of system configuration files, etc.

Since we support Python regexps in ignore rules, it may already be
possible to use a negative-match regexp to do this.  If there is, it
should be documented as as recipe; if not it would be worth filing or
duping a bug.

Martin <>

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