[Fwd: Bzr Explorer comments]

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Thu Sep 10 12:53:59 BST 2009

Russel Winder wrote:
> A few more comments (some repeats).  The issue with *~ is interesting.
> Does a local .bzrignore mean that the Bazaar central default doesn't
> apply?  (I guess this is a Bazaar issue rather than a Bazaar Explorer
> one.)

I'm 99% sure that both sets of ignores apply.

> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Russel:
>> From Bzr Explorer how do you:
>> - create a bundle - and subsequently manipulate it?


>> - delete a file via bzr explorer?

Click Manage, delete it in your file manager and hit Refresh. It should
show as deleted.

>> - why, despite having an ignore list accessible, and showing "*~" does
>> it not ignore files that you would expect to be included under *~ such
>> as for example index.html~

The working tree is dumb right now. It will provide ignore-aware
filtering soon. See the footnote below.

>> In explorer what is the "lightbulb" next to "working tree is up to
>> date..." it doesn't appear to do anything when clicked on.

It's just the icon Explorer uses to indicate "Information". Warning and
Error messages get different icons.

>> When I click on "plugins" under tools I get a command line error unknown
>> command "qplugins" I presume that the download of explorer is OK and I
>> would expect it to down load any bits that it needs to handle the menus.
>> Presumably it was meant to come up with an on-screen error.

You need qbzr 0.14 installed to access that and several other commands.
If you're on Windows, the latest version of qbzr and matching version of
explorer will be bundled together in the (pending) installer for Bazaar

Ian C.

# Thanks to Gary, the code is 95% done. It's not used in explorer yet
because I'm semi-paranoid about performance on trees with 50-100K files
and I'm yet to test qbrowse on those.

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