RFC: Home page design

Michael Gliwinski Michael.Gliwinski at henderson-group.com
Thu Sep 10 10:18:46 BST 2009


Very nice to see it evolve.

I agree with many of the previous comments so I won't repeat them here.

On Wednesday 09 September 2009 13:38:43 Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you once again for your feedback on the Bazaar Web site to date.
> The latest round of suggestions have been incorporated and there is
> now an HTML mockup of the site ready for review. This design
> incorporates many new elements:
> 1. utility navigation from previous designs combined into a single bar.
> 2. extended navigation added to the "carousel" design.
> 3. clear, unique buttons for "action" areas of the site.
> 4. more yellow.
> 5. revised "action" panes in the (now yellow) area of the site.
> 6. nicer screenshot in the carousel area (thanks Gary!)
> 960 width navigation: http://www.flickr.com/photos/emmajane/3903764440/
> Full width navigation: http://www.flickr.com/photos/emmajane/3902988367/
> Things that are not yet completed (i.e. don't bother providing
> feedback on this yet):
> 1. carousel navigation
> 2. search "prettification"
> For this round of feedback could you please address the following points:
> 1. Do you prefer the extended navigation (bottom of the page) in "960
> width" or "full width" design?

Definitely same width as rest of the page.

> 2. The yellow "action" panes are based on the initial wireframes. They
> are: Download, Extend, Get Help. Are they the right "actions" for the
> front page of the site?

I agree with replacing Extend, but possibly not removing it.  How about 
(similar to as suggested by Stephen) 'Download', 'Get going', 'Optimize' (or 
even better some word to mean 'Blend to your needs' which also implies 
possibility to extend).

> 3. The new icons are based on the logo. Staying with the road
> sign/construction theme, are there images you would prefer to see for
> each of the action buttons?

Awesome idea.  Assuming actions as above, perhaps an arrow with a smaller one 
pointing outwards for 'Optimize'?

> 4. Additional constructive comments?

This is subjective but to me the section with logo and screenshots is way too 
large.  This is a VCS after all so I don't think 'how it looks' is a huge 
selling point for it.  I did a presentation/training on Bazaar in my company 
recently and honestly when I was showing pictures and GUIs noone was very 
excited (in fact I heard a comment "So we'll be using GUI now?" ;))

Also another thing is that I have a feeling this will make the page scale 
worse and hence be a bit awkward to look at from small-factor devices.  They 
are becomming more and more common and still many designers tend to forget 
about them.  Makes me as a user of such device really appreciate those that 
don't :)

> If you would like to check out the HTML/CSS you can do so at:
> lp:~emmajane/+junk/dancingmonkeys
> Thanks and I look forward to your feedback!

Thanks Emma for the great work!

> regards,
> emma
> PS I've CC-d those who responded to previous version of the design
> from the Canonical design list as well. If it makes sense to do so,
> please forward this message to others who may be interested.

All the best,


Michael Gliwinski
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