bzr 2.1 timeline

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Thu Sep 10 07:32:05 BST 2009

Martin Pool wrote:

> and to allow some margin of error, we should plan on freezing the code
> that will go into Karmic+1 in early February.

Sounds spot on to me.

> I'm intentionally talking about timeline before I talk about features
> because I want to get into a more flowing time-based release system,
> where the releases just happen without slippage or angst about what to
> put in or not.  I'd like to look at bigger changes in this period, but
> also keep the trunk always potentially releasable - not just passing
> its tests, but really ready to go at any time in every regard: docs,
> testing, packaging, fit&finish.

I think that's essential.

> Now is a great time to:
>  * fix bugs that are bugging you, for 2.0.1
>  * write specs for future features, and think about larger changes to tackle
>  * clear out review queues for things not in 2.0
>  * clean up code that's ugly, but potentially an API break

And let's not forget that 2.0 hasn't actually shipped yet. Please help
with packaging where you can by doing things like:

* getting plugins compatible with 2.0 tested, packaged and announced
* helping with the Windows installer if you can.

Ian C.

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