Getting started with bzr-svn (was Re: bzr-svn and subversion revisions)

John Szakmeister john at
Wed Sep 9 09:02:55 BST 2009

On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:25 AM, Ian
Clatworthy<ian.clatworthy at> wrote:
> John,
> The preferred place for documentation is here:
>, under the
> "Bazaar on Subversion Projects" link. Right now, it's a copy of what's
> in the User Guide but I'd like to see it greatly enhanced to answer many
> of the questions people are asking in this thread. (In contrast, the
> material in the User Guide should remain just the bare introduction for
> any of the plugins, bzr-svn included.)

I'm happy to make the edits wherever.  I am, however, curious about a
couple things:
  1) How will people find it?
  2) Migration guide doesn't scream "find out how to use Bazaar
against a foreign branch."

I think the latter is especially true since I'm not concerned at all
about moving away from SVN, just interacting with it in a way I've
never had the opportunity to do before. :-)  One thing I'm concerned
about is leaving the user's guide the way it is for the Subversion
stuff.  I don't think it does enough to highlight potential issues.

> The master source can be downloaded from the "improve these documents"
> link at the bottom of the page above. The format is Sphinx-style ReST.
> There's a link in the sidebar to see the source for each document if
> you're curious.
> I'd *really* appreciate some help getting good documentation together
> for users looking to switch from Subversion to Bazaar. The audience for
> this material is huge but I lack the time and expertise in svn to write it.

Sure thing.


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