Getting started with bzr-svn (was Re: bzr-svn and subversion revisions)

John Szakmeister john at
Tue Sep 8 10:03:19 BST 2009

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Matt Doran<matt.doran at> wrote:
> It's this type of stuff that scares me off.   For me, it raises more
> questions than it answers.   It would be great to have some worked examples
> of various scenarios to give newbies somewhere to start.

Matt, please don't let it scare you.  My situation is much more
complicated than most. :-)  But my hope is to do exactly what you're
saying: give several scenarios of how to use bzr-svn.  What Jelmer is
saying, is that he's worked bzr-svn to not re-order commits by
default.  Translated: there will be nothing that appears in the
Subversion repository that is unfamiliar to a regular svn user.  On
the whole, bzr and bzr-svn are *fantastic* and liberating.  You should
really give it a go.  But start small, and setup a sandbox svn repo,
and try it out.  I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. :-)

Also, the folks here are rather nice.  Jelmer has been very responsive
to bzr-svn related questions and issues, and I'm certainly willing to
answer questions as well.


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