Getting started with bzr-svn (was Re: bzr-svn and subversion revisions)

John Szakmeister john at
Mon Sep 7 19:17:29 BST 2009

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 12:09 PM, Jelmer Vernooij<jelmer at> wrote:
> There is some basic documentation in the user guide (in about
> bzr-svn. I think that's probably the best place to extend the docs.

That makes sense.  I'll start gathering some thoughts and see what I can do.

>> I'm still at a loss at exactly how that works. :-(
> What is it you're trying to do exactly and how does it fail?

It's not that anything fails (well, that's not entirely true...
something complained to me once about "not being a branch of XXX"...
but I can't honestly remember what it was).  I guess my issue is I
don't quite get how branches map into Bazaar since Bazaar doesn't have
named branches.  The tags makes some sense... but then, I also have
issues there.  Where does the tag actually go?  On trunk?  On
individual branches?  With Bazaar, you don't have that global
namespace like you do in Subversion, so I'm having trouble
understanding exactly how it's supposed to map into things.  Does this
feature really only matter for svn-import?



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