bzr-explorer - ubuntu desktop

Algis Kabaila akabaila at
Sat Sep 5 23:24:38 BST 2009

On Friday 04 September 2009 22:44:11 Gary van der Merwe wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Algis Kabaila<akabaila at> wrote:
> >> It has been renamed to qmain
> >
> > What is "It" in the above : QBzr, bzr-explorer? Please tell me, so I can
> > better understand what you are saying, and I thank you in advance for it.
> >
> >> , and bzr help qbzr has been updated to
> >> include all qbzr commands :-)
> >
> > In which version of bzr has this change of help occurred?  If I had at
> > least a rough indication, I would know the earliest acceptable version
> > number.
> qbzr has a half finished main window. The command to open this use to
> be bzr qbzr. This was change to bzr qmain. We changed it because lots
> of people would type bzr help qbzr, and get the help for the main
> window, which recommends not using it, because it's not finished. This
> would make people think that qbzr (the whole plugin) must not be used.
> Both the mentioned changes are available in qbzr 0.14.
> I just notice that qbzr 0.14 is not in the bzr-ppa, so if you want it,
> you will need to get it from the qbzr ppa
> (

I installed the above ( as a 
source of in System -> Administration -> Software Sources.  (I already did 
this for bzr itself and updated bzr to version 1.17).

I also enabled as Third Party Software jaunty partner
This last step is not explicitly recommended in the launchpad bzr installation 
pages, but seemed to me to be logical.

However, I was NOT able to update the bzr-explorer from the ppa of qbzr-dev:

ak at amd64:~$ sudo apt-get install bzr-explorer
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package bzr-explorer

The above looks bizarre (rather than bazaar). 

Can you shed some light on this? Can somebody tell me where I have gone off the 
rails?  (I did do the update and key imports as required)


Algis Kabaila, MEngSc, PhD(Eng)

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