call for testing: auto-refresh in Bazaar Explorer

Maritza Mendez martitzam at
Sat Sep 5 02:11:00 BST 2009


Great idea!  Please make this optional with default=on.  I work on
branches of various sizes from 2K to 20K files and up to a few hundred
directories.  Usually I want status updated right away.  But if I have
just moved a few hundred files (new libs or refactoring an old
project) I might have to wait several minutes for status to update.
So I have learned to refresh selectively.


On 9/4/09, Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at> wrote:
> New feature added to Explorer tonight in need of some cross platform and
> usability testing ...
> * The status report is automatically refreshed after actions
>   that update it, namely Add, Commit, Pull, Merge, Update,
>   Conflicts, Switch, Bind, Unbind, Revert and Uncommit.
> I'm particularly interested in how well this works on really large
> trees. (If required, I'll make auto-refresh a preference so it can be
> disabled for users, if any, preferring that.)
> Rev 249 of bzr-explorer is the version to grab to test this out.
> Ian C.
> PS: Refreshing of the repo view after init, branch and checkout isn't
> done yet. Hopefully this weekend for that (but no promises).

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