Call for testing: cvs2bzr

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Sep 3 12:23:51 BST 2009

Ian Clatworthy пишет:
> Hi all,
> I've made a patch to cvs2svn so that it includes a new cvs2bzr script.
> I'd like to get this script included upstream but it needs some testing
> first from people with real CVS repositories. A Bazaar branch with the
> patch included is available here:
> If you have a CVS repository lying around, please, please, please give
> cvs2bzr a whirl and let us know how it goes.

I'd like to convert CVS repository of one project from
Is it possible?

> Thanks,
> Ian C.
> PS: cvs2bzr actually generates a Bazaar-friendly fast-import stream. To
> get a real Bazaar repository, grab rev 205 or later of lp:bzr-fastimport
> and run these commands:
>   bzr fast-export-from-cvs path-to-repo
>   bzr init-repo --2a xxx.bzr
>   cd xxx.bzr
>   bzr fast-import ../
> The "fast-export-from-cvs" command uses cvs2bzr under the covers so it
> needs to be on your path.

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