RFC: Home page design

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Tue Sep 1 12:57:13 BST 2009

Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:

Some things for those giving feedback to note ...

> -- Design 1 --
> This design carries all of the same features from the initial
> wireframe. There is one major difference: the links from the four
> panels have been reduced to a single action button.

Yes, Emma & the designer are aware of the spelling and grammar issues in
the mock-up. The focus at this point is the visual design.

> -- Design 2 --
> This design incorporates a javascript carousel in the header which
> will allow the visitor to cycle through some of the main interfaces
> available for Bazaar. The global footer has been altered to put each
> of the panes into the "main content" area. Please note: this design
> uses 'dummy' text.

We aren't actually suggesting putting a terminal screen like that in the
banner. That image is a place-holder for images of Loggerhead and
Explorer/QBzr/bzt-gtk on Windows, GNOME, KDE and OS X. Clicking on the
left and right arrows either side of the image will rotate through the

Ian C.

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