Case sensitivity

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon Aug 31 17:08:50 BST 2009

>>>>> "bialix" == Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> writes:


    bialix> IIUC:

    bialix> C:\Temp>bzr init 1
    bialix> Created a standalone tree (format: pack-0.92)

    bialix> C:\Temp\1>echo foo > foo.txt

    bialix> C:\Temp\1>bzr add FOO.txt
    bialix> adding foo.txt

    bialix> C:\Temp\1>bzr st
    bialix> added:
    bialix>   foo.txt

    bialix> C:\Temp\1>bzr ci -m "so far so good"
    bialix> Committing to: C:/Temp/1/
    bialix> added foo.txt
    bialix> Committed revision 1.

    bialix> C:\Temp\1>ren foo.txt FOO.TXT

    bialix> C:\Temp\1>bzr st
    bialix> removed:
    bialix>   foo.txt
    bialix> unknown:
    bialix>   FOO.TXT

Ha yes, well done. Sounds a lot like what could have happened to

So from there:

   ren FOO.txt foo.txt


   bzr mv foo.txt FOO.TXT

Should both put things back in sync right ?

I'm surprised that 'bzr st' report that on a case insensitive
working tree though...


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