Case sensitivity

Larry Drews ldrewsNOSPAM at
Mon Aug 31 14:56:58 BST 2009

Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at> wrote in
news:m2ocpw9jv0.fsf at 

>>>>>> "LD" == Larry Drews <ldrewsNOSPAM at> writes:
>     LD> Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> wrote in
>     news:h7ggaf$b4h$1 LD>
>     >> 
>     >> Actually bzr has very good support for renames, and if you
>     >> treat change of case as rename (even implicit) and you commit
>     >> this rename explicitly, then there is no history hell as you
>     >> describe it. 
> I thought we had some support for that, I even say Mark Hammond
> worked pretty hard in that area, am I misremembering or did a
> patch to that effect never land ?
>     >> 
>     >> So any interaction with windows file system should be done only
>     >> on a working tree level.
>     >> 
>     >> 
>     >> Alexander
>     >> 
>     LD> OK, so a working practical approach is as follows:
>     LD> 1.  When I acquire the source files and before adding them to
>     Bazaar, make LD> all of the source filenames lowercase.
>     LD> 2.  If, inadvertently, a filename changes case, use bzr rename
>     to keep the LD> history stitched together.
>     LD> 3.  If I am trying to track a StarTeam repository, good luck.
> The point I don't understand is how you end up having files in
> different cases registered into bzr if you're using starteam.
> 1) Do you try to track different starteam views with different
>    bzr branches ?
> 2) Under which circumstances do you end up with the same file
>    under a different case ? As fa as I recall Starteam doesn't
>    output random case, I even say it acts as case preserving
>    (i.e. always outputting the case under which the file was
>    first added, but I may misremember here, it's been a while).
> I'm pretty sure bzr should at least warn you if a file case is
> changed, so if you can come with a recipe to reproduce your
> problem, we certainly want to get it fixed.
>          Vincent


Thanks for the follow up.  I am gratified at the response from the Bazaar 

I have to confess, I don't exactly know how I got into the situation that 
I found myself.  All of a sudden I had itemmain.pas in the repository and 
ITEMMAIN.PAS in the working tree.  Bazaar reported itemmain.pas missing 
and couldn't find ITEMMAIN.PAS.  Not knowing enough about Bazaar yet, I'm 
pretty certain I screwed up the repository trying to correct the 
situation.  I finally gave up, deleted the repository, renamed the files 
to lower case, and started over.  Of course I lost some history, but 
fortunately I am at the place where that was not a major problem.

I will try to isolate the steps that led up to the problem and report 


Larry Drews

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