metronome mail for Bazaar 2.0 and 1.18

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Aug 31 06:43:38 BST 2009

2009/8/29 Christian Robottom Reis <kiko at>:

>> For the general community, I'd say that testing of 2.0rc1, especially
>> testing of 2a upgrades, are highly useful, as is helping other people
> Apart from feedback from the Launchpad team, what anecdotal evidence do
> we have of 2.0 quality?

We have people reporting that they've switched and found it an
improvement, and we've had a pulse of bugs around this format which
now seem to be resolved.  A few people have also commented recently on
the good quality of our support.

>> In Karmic we currently have 1.18-0ubuntu1 and we still have to bring
>> the key plugins up to date with 2.0, and the beta freeze is September.
> When exactly in September? If we are doing the work in updating plugins,
> is it milestoned appropriately? The 2.0 use of a milestone has been very
> successful so far..

The Karmic beta freeze is the 24th of September.

We could file a bug against bzr for each plugin that's out of date,
but that doesn't seem quite right, and Launchpad has no concept of a
milestone across products.  So perhaps the best way to track it is
just by the state of our PPA.

Martin <>

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