Maintaning local changes

Ivan Sagalaev maniac at
Thu Aug 27 21:27:34 BST 2009

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Would such a feature be a good addition to bzr core? I mean:
>>     $ ... hack config.c
>>     $ bzr commit --private
>>     $ bzr push
>>     No revisions to push.
> Mmm, no, you need to use different data structures inside bzr for committed metadata. Something like
> loom maybe.
> Bazaar uses DAG of revisions, so there is not possible to hide one revision from the chain without
> destroy entire graph.

Those revisions don't have to sit in the middle of the chain. Given 
their nature they actually should be rebased on top of a tree with each 

Speaking of which, may be rebase plugin can be useful for the task?

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