Maintaning local changes

Ivan Sagalaev maniac at
Wed Aug 26 16:57:03 BST 2009


I'm a recent user of Bazaar and one of the things I like is it's support 
for a variety of workflow patterns. However here's one that I don't know 
how to do with bzr.

I have an upstream branch with which I synchronize periodically and it's 
used as an upstream branch by other developers. Sometimes it happens 
that I need to do some changes to code that make sense only to my local 
environment (temporary hacks, local config changes). I'd like to have 
these changes in all my local branches but I don't want them to be 
pushed upstream.

The only (inconvenient) solution that I can think of is to have one 
local branch dedicated to testing that will contain those environment 
modifications. Then I do development in other branches and every time I 
need to test my work I merge it to this test branch, test it and revert 
it back to "upstream state + environment mods" every time.

Is there a better solution?

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