change in fix-committed practice?

Robert Collins robertc at
Wed Aug 26 00:18:36 BST 2009

Should we change how we use fix committed/fix released?

Currently we do: 'committed if its in our branch, released when its in

But with 2.0 being a long lived target, separate from 3.0 or whatever,
being in trunk won't be 'fixed' for any bug that we're planning to

So I'm wondering what will work best to manage this. Do we assume that i
its not nominated it's not to be backported?

I'd be inclined to have fix committed/fix released keep meaning what
they mean and focus on separate tasks for 2.0 backports.

e.g. target to 2.0, then immediately set to fix committed in that task
if its fix released || fix committed in trunk.


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