Bazaar and Eclipse
Ringo De Smet
ringo.desmet at
Tue Aug 25 18:32:05 BST 2009
2009/8/25 Russel Winder <russel.winder at>:
> Whilst it is good for there to be a Bazaar brand, and reuse of widgets
> across all Bazaar-related tools seems like a good realization of code
> reuse, the way in which things work best in each of the IDEs appears to
> be different. So what is idiomatic in Eclipse might be anathema in
> IntelliJ IDEA and vice versa.
> I think there is a role for having the Bazaar Eclipse plugin work in a
> naturally idiomatic Eclipse way. Ditto IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, Emacs,
> etc.
I fully agree with the latest remark. On top of that, I see a lot of
wasted cycles by developers from the Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, <fill in
other DVCS system> communities of each building their own complete
Eclipse plugin. Conceptually there are a *lot* of similarities in
these systems. The Eclipse plugin system is powerful enough to have a
set of common plugins, common UI code, etc and add additional plugins
specific for each DVCS.
In a later mail, Nicholas Allen made the remark that the current Team
features are designed for centralized systems. That's probably true,
but that shouldn't stop you from working with the Eclipse developers
to have this functionality adapted.
My idea: get in touch with peer Eclipse plugin developers, see if we
can get such an effort started and benefit on all fronts!
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