bzr-fastimport and revision-editing

Torsten Bronger bronger at
Mon Aug 24 20:23:23 BST 2009


John Arbash Meinel writes:

> Torsten Bronger wrote:
>> [...]
>> Is it possible with bzr-fastimport to remove accidentally added
>> passwords from the history?  I'd like to erase all occurences of
>> passwords with ***.  [...]
> Don't try to "round-trip" revisions that you are filtering. You
> are changing things, and calling them the same is a good way to
> end up with corruption.

So far, I'm the only developer on this project so I could assure
that no old branches are left.  The question is whether the FI
format has checksums, or whether the SHA-1's and such are newly
calculated during the import.

> That said, I believe there is 'bzr filter-branch' as part of the
> fast-export suite, which will help you to generate a new history
> that looks a lot like the old one, but has bits pruned out, etc.

You presumably mean "bzr fast-import-filter".  This is indeed
interesting, although I would lose the complete history of files
with passwords.  Thus, having an "unfold" equivalent of a branch I
could tamper with would be prefered.  ;-)


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus
                   Jabber ID: torsten.bronger at

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