Benchmark: Git, Hg 1.3.1, Bzr 1.17

David Ingamells david.ingamells at
Tue Aug 18 13:47:59 BST 2009

Andrew Cowie wrote:
> And meanwhile if you're working with a large codebase, or underneath an
> IDE, then you want one and only one Working Tree. Bazaar's switch
> capability is pretty strong now, but it's also an incredibly obscure
> feature which is also hard to set up, and one you only find out about
> long after you've already shot yourself in the foot doing things the
> hard way.
> So long as casual users can "misuse" bzr, they will, and bzr will look
> bad as a result. Which is why I think fundamentally changing this is so
> important. I had hoped it could have been addressed before declaring
> 1.0. Ah, naiveté.
> I'm quite aware of the reasons it is the way it is now, and from first
> principles they seem to have been good ones. So I understand that this
> is a tough (and, no doubt, tiresome) topic for the Bazaar hackers to
> have to listen to.
> For what it's worth, I do my best to counter-act this problem by
> encouraging people to set things up "properly" from the get-go, for
> example with these instructions
> but only rarely do people actually know of or follow the recipe (let
> alone following it all the way to having a switched Eclipse project).
I don't see why this must be *the* "proper" way of working. Certainly 
for the large number of bzr users who aren't using eclipse or any other 
IDE that is similarly so restrictive about how you must set up a project.

For users working only on a local (and fast) network and not via the 
internet there is not sufficient reason to do (paraphrased from your 
HACKING page):

$ bzr init-repos proj
$ bzr checkout <parent repos> proj/mainline
$ bzr branch proj/mainline proj/working

when the following is quite sufficient and is no "misuse" (I repeat that 
I am talking about a local network scenario):

$ bzr branch --stacked <parent repos> working

2) I haven't tried this on a checkout, but I suspect that your suggested

$ bzr branch proj/mainline proj/working

could also be a "branch --stacked" to anywhere local and then the 
init-repos is no real gain. Although note that I've no knowledge of how 
'bzr switch' would work with this.

3) I am often working on several distinct tasks in parallel, either on 
the same project or on distinct projects. Using switch in this scenario 
could get very confusing!

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