Benchmark: Git, Hg 1.3.1, Bzr 1.17
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Sun Aug 16 20:39:21 BST 2009
Hash: SHA1
Jari Aalto wrote:
> I ran *small* *scale* local benchmark on the three DVCS's with
> interesting results. The times should not be takes as absolute, but only
> relative to each other. The test system was Debian/Ext3.
> All commands in all DVCS's were run with -q option to suppress output
> and in hg's case output was directed to /dev/null as it does not have -q
> in call "hg add". All 'add' commands used dot-add form: as in "bzr -q
> add ."
> Bzr is in pretty good shape, but the the cloning takes awfully lot time
> even on local disk. Also the second commit (after patching 7552 files)
> takes some time.
> Bzr is very effective on disk space (30% increase to original sources),
> but I don't know how would it really scale on bigger repositories
> (should import multiple kernels to find that out).
> Jari
Were you using "bzr init --2a" or just the default?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> - Initial sources: init, add, commit.
> - Then patch the sources back to one less: add, commit, log
> - Finally clone the result repository on to other directory on
> local disk.
> Kernel import 2.6.30 349 MiB
> Times in seconds (real time)
> Importing 2.6.30 sources
> Git Hg 1.3.1 Bzr 1.17
> init 0,03 0,05 0,90
> add 26,00 1,80 5,50
> commit 0,60 51,00 55,00
> Patch: Kernel sources patched to previous version (2.6.29), 7552 files touched
> add 6,30 0,50 3,00
> commit 0,50 28,00 37,00
> log 0,01 0,13 0,17
> clone 49,00 40,00 71,00
> Kernel sources size: 349 MiB (repository sizes MiB)
> Git Hg Bzr
> init and ci 460,10 466,60 451,60
> patch and ci 507,70 469,90 457,50
> clone size 506,80 467,00 453,90
> ...compared to sources
> Clone % bigger 45,21 33,81 30,06
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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