Advice/help wanted on bzr fast-export-from-cvs

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Fri Aug 14 03:06:40 BST 2009

Michael Haggerty wrote:

> For experimentation, the most flexible way to configure a conversion is
> by using an options file (specified with the --options option).  The
> options files cvs2git-example.options and cvs2hg-example.options, which
> are included in the cvs2svn source tree, should be good examples.  There
> are a couple of places where they differ, and undoubtedly a
> cvs2bzr-example.options file would have other differences.


I've started digging into this in some more depth now. I'd like to
request two small tweaks to make cvs2git more bzr friendly:

1. Can we remove the restriction that the --options file is
   incompatible with most other options? I'd prefer to see other options
   override settings in there. See below.

2. This one is more a nice to have: if --blob-file and --dump-file
   have the same value, then the dump information should be appended
   to the blob information.

I think the first change is really important because it means we can
provide a cvs2bzr-example.options file and use it by default in a
wrapper script. That wrapper script would only have one or two options
say, e.g. path-to-sort-program so that Windows users could specify that
*without* needing to grok the options file. The help for the wrapper
script would say something like "if finer control is needed, use svn2git
directly together with a custom options file based on
cvs2bzr-examples.options". Make sense?

Ian C.

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