[ANN] bzr-buildbot-net: more testing for bzr

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Thu Aug 13 15:50:19 BST 2009

>>>>> "jam" == John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:


    bialix> Cygwin shell is ASCII-only software so no unicode
    bialix> tests will be run it seems so.
    >> Hmm, even worse than I thought then...
    >> Vincent

    jam> We run "make" from cygwin, but it spawns:
    jam>  /cygdrive/c/Python25/python bzr ...

When we run 'make' we don't get the proper python, which is why
we don't build the extensions.

When we run 'python ./bzr selftest --no-plugins -v' we don't get
the proper python either, AFAICT:

python ./bzr selftest --no-plugins -v
 in dir C:\home\shared\buildbot\bzr\slaves\w2003x64\tests/w2003x64\build (timeout 1200 secs)


testing: /cygdrive/c/home/shared/buildbot/bzr/slaves/w2003x64/tests/w2003x64/build/bzr
   /cygdrive/c/home/shared/buildbot/bzr/slaves/w2003x64/tests/w2003x64/build/bzrlib (2.0dev python2.5.2)

...ocFileTest(/cygdrive/c/home/shared/buildbot/bzr/slaves/w2003x64/tests/w2003x64/build/bzrlib/doc/api/branch.txt)   OK      930ms

    jam> Which is *not* a cygwin aware python. Which means that
    jam> cygwin is only used as the controlling program, and not
    jam> as the *platform* the tests are being run on.

That's what we want to achieve, yes, we're not there today :-)

    jam> I use cygwin shell 95% of the time, and have no problem
    jam> testing Unicode filesystem issues. I just *never* run
    jam> cygwin's python.

But our slave is not as smart as you (and will never be :-)


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