website redesign: preference to keep wiki separate from regular site

Todd Densmore tdensmore at
Thu Aug 13 13:15:41 BST 2009

For what it is worth...

I recently started using bazaar, and even more recently joined this list so
pardon the comments so late in the game...

However, one of the main reasons I chose Bazaar over GIT and Mercurial was
Bazaar's clean simple website that allowed me to find information quickly.
The other reason was support for Eclipse (which I still have not been able
to get working on OSX...).

I am a developer, but had little experience with DVCSs', so the specific
features made little difference to me, especially for the simple sample
project I setup for experimentation.

I haven't been involved in the project long enough to have followed this
whole thread, but I wanted to add my initial observations...

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 7:13 AM, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:

> 2009/8/12 Inky 788 <inky788 at>:
> > Especially now that the new docs are being done by Sphinx, I think it
> > makes sense to clearly delineate the 3 portions of the site:
> >
> >  * the main site (?)
> >  * the doc site (Sphinx)
> >  * the wiki (MoinMoin)
> Yes, that's exactly what I want.
> You could also add: a team blog, and various subsidiary bits and
> pieces in Launchpad.
> I'm hoping that at least the download and announcement features will
> be done within our own themed site, not just by pointing to Launchpad.
> --
> Martin < <>>
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