2.0 upgrade experiences

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Aug 13 08:58:18 BST 2009

On Thu, 2009-08-13 at 15:51 +0800, Martin Pool wrote:

> On upgrade we've normally already made a backup of the whole
> repository so I think having it pass down a flag saying pack should
> immediately remove obsolete data would be very safe.

In terms of recovery yes, unless the user uses the 'delete my backup
afterwards' option. I think that when we deliberately allow a race
condition, particularly one that is hard to explain for all our users to
follow, we should seek a very strong cause for opening it.

An fsync in this situation would be simple - and in code terms fit your
description - 'dont_keep_obsolete=True' -> does an fsync(), then deletes
obsoleted packs.

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