Naming the Windows installer

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Thu Aug 13 04:29:24 BST 2009

Martin Pool writes:

 > We probably will get bug reports saying "I'm using bzr 1.18-1" but I
 > don't think that's a big problem.

The main issue I can see are alternative distros for one platform.  So
your installers are labeled "18.1-1" and so are Cygwin's and MSYS's
etc.  Hasn't Ubuntu run into this issue vs. Debian, so that (at least
some) they are versioned something like 18.1-ubuntu1"?

 > We may get people looking for the 1.18-1 source tarball or binary for
 > other platforms.  But then I'd suggest other platforms should follow
 > this too, in as much as it's consistent with local conventions.

I think a lot of people, even those who are currently using other
platforms, are familiar with the Debian conventions.  They've been
worked out carefully over more than a decade.

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