[qbzr] Dedicated site for QBzr

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Wed Aug 12 07:41:40 BST 2009

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Hi all interested in the QBzr life,
> We discussed with Gary the need of having separate web site for QBzr project.
> Mainly we need our own place to easily edit and publish news, docs, screenshots.
> I has hope this will stimulate writing good user docs for QBzr dialogs.

If it's any help, you're welcome to start from the one I whipped up for
Explorer. It literally took a few hours.

My intention is to make this a project in it's own right
(bzr-explorer-docs) and to include the user documentation, e.g. a Bazaar
Explorer Guide (which is the Bazaar User Guide with appropriate edits
and screenshots added), Developer Guide, etc. Right now though, the
branch is
It would certainly be nice from my perspective if QBzr used Sphinx for
the user doc, regardless of the web site technology chosen.

An alternative to a static site is using a free blogging service.
qbzr.wordpress.com is probably free. :-) Seriously, I find wordpress
really nice for simple dynamic sites. YMMV.

Ian C.

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