Bazaar Licenses

Usher, Sean (Sean) susher at
Mon Aug 10 21:16:34 BST 2009

Sorry about not Ccing the list, I'm used to Gmail handling stuff like
this for me (I hate Outlook).

We plan on using it to version our code, we might make changes to
Bazzar, nad we would not distribute it to the public in any way.

So it sounds like we should be fine in using it then wiothout worries.



-----Original Message-----
From: Forest Bond [mailto:forest at] 
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 2:14 PM
To: Usher, Sean (Sean)
Cc: bazaar at
Subject: Re: Bazaar Licenses

Hi Sean,

[Be sure to Cc the list on your replies.]

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 02:00:25PM -0600, Usher, Sean (Sean) wrote:
> They way I understand it is that if we are to alter the software to
> include proprietary code we may, at some future date, be forced to
> release that code to the public.

If you distribute Bazaar itself you would be required to provide source
code to
the parties you are distributing it to (*not* the general public, unless
distribute publicly -- i.e. put it on your web site for download).

Do you plan on making changes to Bazaar, or are you just planning on
using it
in-house?  If you only plan on using Bazaar to work on your own in-house
the GPL does not restrict you in any way.  The GPL primarily governs
distribution of the GPL-covered code (Bazaar, in this case).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Forest Bond [mailto:forest at] 
> Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 1:56 PM
> To: Usher, Sean (Sean)
> Cc: bazaar at
> Subject: Re: Bazaar Licenses
> Hi Sean,
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 01:33:31PM -0600, Usher, Sean (Sean) wrote:
> > My company is wanting to use Bazaar, but our legal team likes us to
> stay away
> > from GPL.  I saw that Bazaar will license under different licenses,
> and I was
> > unsure if that meant different versions of GPL, or if a completely
> different
> > license was negotiable.  If anyone has information on this I would
> appreciate
> > it.  I tried speaking with Cononical awhile back, but they were
> to give
> > me this information.
> Out of curiosity, do you know what specific concerns your legal
> department has
> with GPL licensing?
> Thanks,
> Forest
> -- 
> Forest Bond

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