Bazaar Licenses

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Aug 10 20:47:59 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Usher, Sean (Sean) wrote:
> Hello,
> My company is wanting to use Bazaar, but our legal team likes us to stay
> away from GPL.  I saw that Bazaar will license under different licenses,
> and I was unsure if that meant different versions of GPL, or if a
> completely different license was negotiable.  If anyone has information
> on this I would appreciate it.  I tried speaking with Cononical awhile
> back, but they were unable to give me this information.

Well, you probably would rather speak with *Canonical* :)

Assuming that you did, I'm guessing weren't sure if you were serious.

I think we would be happy to license it in the "you don't get to copy
any of the source code or even look at it" license, if that would make
you more comfortable using a product.

I realize I'm being a bit glib. I suppose what I should say is

You shouldn't be concerned about the license of the software, if you are
going to be using it to version your code. The license only applies if
you feel you need to extend the vcs in some way.

Perhaps looking at it in a different light. Think of Bazaar as though it
was your compiler. Just because gcc is GPL'd doesn't mean that every
program compiled with it is GPL. And gcc actually includes some of
itself in the compiled result.

Unless you feel like you are going to need to add components to bzr (or
whatever VCS you end up using), and then distribute them to other
people, I don't think you have to worry about the license on the source
code of that VCS.


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