bzr-eclipse problem on mac 10.5

Guillermo Gonzalez guillo.gonzo at
Sat Aug 8 19:02:18 BST 2009

Hi Todd,

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Todd Densmore<tdensmore at> wrote:
> Guys,
> Sorry for the noob question, but I cant seem to find a solution.
> I am using Eclipse 3.5 and have installed bzr-eclipe. However I cannot
> configure the plugin to find the BZR binary located in /usr/local/bin/
> because the Eclipse file chooser keeps me in a sandbox (or I don't know how
> to navigate to /usr). I cannot enter the path directly into the file chooser
> either.
> How are others able to configure the plugin? The installation instructions
> on the page show a screenshot
> with an entirely different path, which would be able to be selected from
> Eclipse on the Mac.
> I used the MacOS installer ( Bazaar-1.17-OSX10.5.dmg ) and did not have the
> option to change the install path.
> Do I need to edit the plugin preferences by hand, or am I missing something
> very simple?

In the File chooser, try doing "Command + Shift + G" and enter
/usr/local/bin in the popup, that will take you to that directory
where you can pick the bzr executable


Guillermo Gonzalez

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