Lessons learned from handling text end-of-line conventions?

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at benfinney.id.au
Thu Aug 6 08:43:45 BST 2009

Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:

> Ben Finney пишет:
> > Over on Python's development list, in duscussion of migration of the
> > code base from Subversion to Mercurial, a sub-thread has arisen over
> > the differences in capability for handling end-of-line conventions
> > in files.
> Link?

I don't have a URL to hand, but the (long!) thread starts with
Message-ID: <ea2499da0908030341l763c7340v7329a66da6c026d0 at mail.gmail.com>.

 \     “If you ever teach a yodeling class, probably the hardest thing |
  `\      is to keep the students from just trying to yodel right off. |
_o__)                         You see, we build to that.” —Jack Handey |
Ben Finney

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