RFC: Bazaar Web site Home Page Redesign

Martin Albisetti argentina at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 22:00:49 BST 2009

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Emma Jane<emmajane at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Proposed wireframe
> ----------------------------------
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/emmajane/3791477132/
> Desired Feedback
> ----------------------------------
> 1. Does this wireframe have spaces to accommodate all front-page-worthy
> material?

I don't fully understand this question, although I feel it will most
likely be answered by design rather than wireframes. I think the first
two rows should fit above the fold.

> 2. Can anything be omitted from this wireframe because it is not front-page-
> worthy?

- With the plan to have 6 month release cycles, release notes and
release features become less interesting, I think

> 3. If you were to shuffle the components, what would your wireframe look like?

A few comments that popped into my head:

- I feel that "About Bazaar" should be on the top-left (jumbled with
features), and download+install on the top right, with help beneath it

Awesome work Emma, looking forward to seeing this grow  ;)


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