recursive commands?

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Wed Aug 5 14:51:18 BST 2009

On 05/08/2009 15:41, Michael B. Trausch wrote:
> However, when working with files on the file system (as you are doing 
> with 'bzr remove'), you want the shell to do its thing and replace the 
> wildcards, so you do not want to quote.
> This is a general thing which Linux, BSD, etc., have inherited from the 
> design of original UNIX systems.  This differs from DOS and Windows in 
> that DOS and Windows never perform globbing on the command line, thus 
> leaving that duty to the program.

Funny, I precisely hit this issue a few seconds before reading this 
message... Come to think of it, I should have used Bzr Explorer...
Anyway, I excluded the bin/ directories from my repository, but I wanted 
to add some .properties files from there (JavaFX looks where it has the 
classes, so I have to put them there).
I wanted to do:

 > bzr add _QuickExperiments\bin\*.properties
bzr: ERROR: [Error 123] Syntaxe du nom de fichier, de rÚpertoire ou de 
volume incorrecte: 

So I added the three files by hand (using autocompletion of shell), 
because it would have been longer to use a CMD FOR command or similar 
(as I have to lookup reference for it, etc.).

Annoying, but as I wrote, I should have used the GUI I have...

Another annoying point is that once the bin/ dir have been added, the 
ignore directive no longer apply to the remainder of the content (but at 
least I excluded the .class files).

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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